Sunday, February 19, 2012

Do you know where you are?

The questions I got asked every day, many times a day.

Do you know where you are?
Yeah, at a hospital.
Do you know where the hospital is?
Do you know the name of the hospital?
No. (It was Methodist).
Do you know what day it is?
Do you know what year it is?
2012? (It was 2011)

After a while I learned the name of the hospital and figured out that there was a calendar on the wall behind me to my right. So usually I could sneak a peek at that and answer ''Yes, it's Friday, March 11th''. There was only one nurse who caught on to me and would stand in front of the calendar so I couldn't see it. And then I had no idea what day it was.

One nurse asked me who the president was. I said Obama but was seriously contemplating telling the name of the Icelandic president, Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson. I probably would have gotten a funny look with that answer ;)

People marvel at how I well I was able to communicate using English, but I didn't even think about it, if someone talks to me in English, I respond with English. I didn't find it uncomfortable at all. I guess I've been living here long enough to be able to speak English well enough to be understood.

To be continued...

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